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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Growing Pains

One of the hardest things to do in life is to get to know ourselves. We as people are everchanging creatures in an everchanging environment with new, unexpected circumstances that manifest themselves daily. We try our hardest to adapt, to stablize, and to maintain some sort of homeostasis or equilibrium in our lives. We try not to change as people, for we do not want to distance ourselves from life long friends or even loved ones, but sometimes, self evolution is inevitable, and the pain that follows is nothing short of heart breaking.

On our journey of self discovery, we meet so many beautiful people. We build wonderful relationships that last, days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. In our minds, we want them to last forever. We truly endear the people we encounter along the way. Some people almost seem too good to be true. I know I have recently encountered a few people like this....and unfortunately, it seems as if I have let them slip through my fingers as I have found the need to advance my life in different directions. I wish I could tell you how painful this is. I probably don't need to. I'm sure most of you already know.

In this short little life of ours, we grow together, and we grow apart......oftentimes for reasons completely beyond verbal explaination. All that I know is that sometimes growing is painful....whether physically, mentally or emotionally. In the end, all growing pains lead to a stonger body and a sharper mind. Growth is a form of change, and change is inevitable. It is something we all must do. May we grow together in the future, and if we grow apart, may it be in peace. Take care everyone!

See you next time!!!


  1. This is one thing I am dealing with in my life. I know that there are something that just can not be stopped... even if we would like them to stay the same. But what can we do, hey?? I guess move on. I need to pass this one along... Thanks Adam!!

    Ava J

  2. I think this is something that we all have a tough time dealing with at some point in time. Anyway, thanks again for your comment Ava. It's great to hear from you again!
